It was included in the Naval Forces Command with the law numbered 2507 on August 18, 1981 and moved to Istanbul-Tuzla, where it is located, and its name was changed to "Maritime College" and its education structure was reorganized.
ITU Maritime Faculty was established on July 3, 1992 with the law numbered 2809.
ITÜMF is one of the youngest faculty in İTU and was founded in 1992. Maritime Faculty is continuation of High Maritime School which was founded in 1884. Maritime Faculty maintains education activities on Bsc/Msc/Phd levels in 52 independent buildings on a 70.000 m2 residential area where has a 400 m length Marmara Sea coast line.
ITU Marine Engineering Undergraduate Program is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of ABET, (Criteria: Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering)
For further details on accreditation information, please visit our Accreditation page. |